Tag Archives: unidentified

Big Green Men

This happened a week or two ago. Behind my house is a 9 acre lake, and residents of this community can fish in it for free, anytime, day or night. And many do. My wife and I do, and it’s a fun place to fish.

On this particular day I had the dog out in the back yard and I noticed there was a white truck of some kind parked up on the dam, which I don’t think is allowed, and there were three people that I could see, fishing. Nothing out of the ordinary, other than the truck all the way up on top of the dam. There’s one gravel parking space just behind where he was at the bottom of the other side of the dam. Maybe there was another car there, I don’t know.

Later that night I took the dog out and it was almost pitch dark, as it always is. I happened to glance over where they had been, and I saw three figures, and they were all glowing.

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