Tag Archives: distractify

Ghost Hunters Show

I just discovered an article written in 2019 about Jason and Grant, the two men who created TAPS and then starred on the hit show Ghost Hunters. It has been a while since I’ve been able to watch the show and I honestly haven’t followed news on it. I had heard that the show ended and was moving to another home, but that’s all I heard.

The article says that both men are now doing separate ghost hunting shows on rival networks, so the article was all about there being a possible rivalry between the two long-time friends. While I doubt that’s the case but of course don’t know anything about it, another thing that the article talked about was why Grant Wilson left Ghost Hunters and TAPS back in 2012.

At the time he said he wanted to focus more on other aspects of his personal life. At the time I had heard a rumor that his wife was sick of never seeing him. I also read a rumor that SyFy was getting less viewers of the show because of a lack of ghostly activity at each location on each episode, so they were planning on faking paranormal activity to keep viewers and Grant was having none of it so decided to leave, but Jason was made a nice monetary offer from the network and stayed.

I have no idea if any of that is true, and of course can’t find anything on either of those rumors anywhere. Therefore, I take them with a grain of salt.

The article points out that Grant decided to leave because of the constant traveling and terrible sleep schedule, which I can fully believe. Hell, just switching from a first shift job to a third shift job kills me for months. I can’t imagine keeping his schedule for the almost decade that he did.

I also know that right after Ghost Hunters got going, I had my paranormal “group” that I started with a friend before Ghost Hunters was a show, and I tried to get us to become a TAPS Family group, but that never happened. I also had emailed Grant about interviewing him for my website, which is politely accepted and made my day, but he never got back to me with answers to the questions I sent him. I was going to let it go but eventually emailed him asking why he never did the interview and he quickly got back to me and said their email server went down because of the huge amount of emails they got and they lost all of their emails, so I should send it again. I did, and he never responded after that, so I gave up.

Anyway, I know I won’t get any answers here, but were/are you a fan of the show? Are you a fan of any other paranormal show? I’ve tried watching others but none seem to compare for me. The only other one I ever got into outside of GH was “Psychic Kids.” Now that I’m looking info up on that on A&E’s website, it says there was one season with 6 episodes. The description says there are eight episodes, and the episodes list has 7 listed. So I have no idea what’s going on with that.

The article I read that lead to me writing this one can be found on Distractify.